Greater Scranton Steamtown Area
Narcotics Anonymous
Local Service Board
Hybrid Meeting - Virtual or In-Person
3rd Saturday of the Month
2 PM - 5PM
Dunmore United Methodist Church
222 S. Blakely St., Dunmore PA 18512
Zoom ID: 423 424 759
Password: 1953
Hospitals & Institutions
3rd Saturday of each month or the Saturday of The LSB 1:00 PM
Dunmore United Methodist Church
222 S. Blakely St., Dunmore, PA 18512
(small meeting room)
Website Subcommittee
Second Tuesday of the Month
6:00 PM
Virtual Meeting
Zoom ID: 851 1712 1127
Activities & Events Subcommittee
4th Saturday of the month
1:00 PM
Dunmore United Methodist Church
222 S. Blakely St., Dunmore, PA 18512
Convention Subcommittee
Fourth Sunday of the Month
4:00 PM
Dunmore United Methodist Church
222 S. Blakely St., Dunmore, PA 18512
Policy Subcommittee
4th Saturday of the month
2:00 PM
The Children’s Library - Tech Lab (Downstairs)
520 Vine St., Scranton, PA. 18509
Public Relations Subcommittee
12:00 PM – LSB day and location
Archive Subcommittee